How to find, close & delegate creative production client work AND how to start and scale a delegated production company (so that you can do what you love)

Step 2: explore what's possible (complete VIDEO first)

space is limited.

Are you frustrated with the grind of working a day-job to support your passions, or getting random gigs that have nothing to do with your dream career from clients who don't pay what you want? Are you exhausted from working SO HARD, with little return, and lying awake at night wondering… what will my legacy be?

Are you fed up with looking at that movie script collecting dust on your desk, knowing you should be somewhere on a beach, Morocco maybe, filming a scene for that dream film of yours, if you could only get the money to make it?

You got the gear, skills, everything…but does it feel like you’re doing something wrong?

Well, there’s another option out there - and nobody is talking about it.

And it’s rooted in one of the biggest secrets of Hollywood - the independent film world is changing. Modern producers have independent production companies that support their creative endeavors.

It’s true. Look at most of the big filmmakers, heck, even actors in the game right now. How many of them have production companies on the side?

I won’t make you go look. I’ll just tell you - basically everyone.

Do you know why?

Because even the big creators know this - creative filmmaking isn’t a consistent gig - whether you’re really good or not. And the reality is that MOST people will not be able to make enough to make a living.

BUT people are still successful in the industry. How?

Because they realize they need FULL CONTROL to make their career viable. BUT the important thing here is that

they have specialized service production companies or side - businesses that support their creative endeavors by generating cash-flow and keeping professional production teams close to them.

Not some random gig, working 9-5, helping someone else’s dream come true. Now, the way service production jobs are found, sold and delegated has changed a lot in very recent years. The old ways are all but gone. What we outline in this video is just one of the systems we help our students build thriving creative businesses with.

So - what sets thriving professionals apart from struggling artists is an investment in your career that gives you total creative freedom, allows you to find, close & produce (delegate) fulfilling client work, develop & produce films for yourself, rub shoulders with key players in the industry, and experience professional and financial FREEDOM.

That’s exactly what Daniel Brea shows you how to do. In The Narrative Sales Machine (Formerly DRAESIS), we walk you through how to create a production company that creates space for you to exercise your creative muscles, sharpen your industry skills, and create connections (opportunity) with top-tier players around you. All while getting paid more while delegating the work.

You might be thinking - but I don’t know how to run a production service, or maybe you have limited or no equipment. Or perhaps you live in a remote area with no industry around you…?

It doesn’t matter. And I’ll show you why.

Hi, my name is Daniel Brea,

and I’m a multi-award-winning CEO, artist, consultant, producer, and director.

I own Dream Reach Media, a 7-figure consulting and production company that specializes in transforming media entrepreneurs’ lives.

Creating is my passion. But even more than all this, I’m committed to empowering other artists on their journey to help them achieve career independence and their ideal success.

Why? Because I've reached my personal and career dreams. And now I truly like helping people and supporting their goals.

It’s my goal to provide a path to success so that you can go from media artist / filmmaker who is dependent on gatekeepers and unpredictable jobs - to producer / ceo of a professional media business which creates creative and financial independence for you.

Take a look at just some of our success stories:

KJ Locked In Over $275K Of Work

Thea's Taking Things To The White House

Sammy, An Insider Tells What She Sees In Our Community

Cody's Million Dollar Film

Sound amazing? It’s real, and it can happen to you too.

With our approach, you will get everything you need to ditch your random side hustles and start making money, delegating & pushing toward your dream life NOW, all while getting amazing experience and making connections in the exclusive entertainment and media production industry.

Here’s how we do it

  • First, I’ll guide you through the first step in creating your own successful production company - finding your true north. Some call it a specialty, but I don’t think that’s holistic enough. We help you take time to define exactly what you’re passionate about and GOOD at as an artist using an in-depth process that prompts self-discovery. It gives you space to hone in on what you’re passionate about and what it looks like to create a service production company or video agency that represents your voice and passions in the world.

  • Next, we’ll begin building your producing & entrepreneurial skills. And what better way to start than actually creating a film? To become skilled in this field, you need to get experience. And to do that – you need to DO. And we coach you through it – showing you what it means to understand the process of putting something together from A to Z. And if you're experienced in this regard already, we'll plunge you right into the next step.

  • Then, we’ll unpack how to build the infrastructure of your company. We’ll teach you everything and provide free templates from commercial script structures, sales scripts and your website, to all the legal stuff and work agreements. Ultimately, we’ll turn your company into a precise, organized, and unstoppable machine. And, in 10 years, when most filmmakers START thinking about the business, sales & marketing side of the careers, you’re already going to be an expert, miles ahead of everyone else.

  • Following that, we begin building your A-team. This is how you can be a producer without knowing the intricacies of color-grading, editing, or cinematography. You rely on an expert team of people who will give you the capacity to scale and grow without sucking up all your time. You don’t have to know how to do it all. You just have to understand and recognize good skills when you see them and know how to delegate and manage your team effectively.

  • Finally, you start increasing pricing, selling and creating. Yes, you’ll start right in the program, with weekly coaching, personalized mentorship, a successful and supportive international community and a whole host of other resources to support you along the way.

Before long, you will have all the clarity you need to make 6+ figures in the industry – if that’s what you want, or to make your short and feature films strategically and successfully.

So you’re making an income, you’re creating projects you care about, you're choosing to be hands on or off as you please, you’re building relationships in the industry that will get your name, your skills, and your specialty on people’s radars, and you don't depend on ANYONE but yourself anymore.

The potential and opportunities are endless.

And at this point, you have two options.

You can go at it alone. It will be slower and the mistakes more expensive and painful.

You can spend years working random gigs while trying to break it big in the industry. You might actually get there, but even when you do, you’re likely going to have to find another means of income to stay on your feet. This industry is more unforgiving today than it's ever been.

Or you can choose the second option - us.

We could go at it together and you could join a thriving team of brilliant filmmakers and creatives who are building their dream lives with each other’s help.

It will be a lot faster. It will be cheaper, significantly cheaper. And, most importantly, it will be fun.

Imagine if you had the freedom to pursue your dreams

without fear of failure and with the courage to make

it happen.

Imagine if you had the freedom to pursue your dreams without fear of failure and with the courage to make it happen.

What if you had clarity around HOW to navigate the industry and total confidence that every day, you’re building a legacy and creating content and films you care about?

If this sounds like you and you want to transition from being a dependent filmmaker or media artist into an unstoppable, fully independent creative who can scale a business well beyond six figures AND have enough time to pursue your creative goals - let's talk.

With our approach, you get access to a proven, systematic approach that truly works (as long as you commit to doing the work).

It’s worked for hundreds - why not you?

If you’re ready to take the first step in changing your life and career, then click the button below to schedule your FREE strategy session with our team to see if this opportunity is right for you.

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